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محمد شریفی
دانشیار الهیات - علوم قرآن و حدیث
گروه علوم قرآنی و حدیث، دانشکده الهیات و معارف اسلامی
دانشگاه مازندران
Mohammad Sharifi
Associate Professor of Qur’anic Sciences and Hadith - Theology
Department of Theology and Quranic Sciences, Faculty of Theology and Quranic Sciences
University of Mazandaran

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dyspneaemergency departmentinjurytraumaheart failurefracturevalidationmortalityactivationbasal cell carcinomaankle injuriesemergency serviceesmololascitic fluidrisk scoreolder mencirrhotic-patientsbilateral carotid occlusionfggbedside ultrasonographydiagnostic-toolhypercoagulablestateendotracheal intubationlateral malleolar fracturesemergencybone-mineral densitysex steroid-levelscytokeratinspontaneous bacterial peritonitisliver cirrhosisfgarecurrent pregnancy lossleukocyte esterase reagent stripischemic brainltppotassium conductanceenriched environmentfactor viimk-801lateral ligamentparathyroid-hormonevertebral fracturesserum estradiolfield potential recordingbasal synaptic transmissioncatecholamine responsesclinical responseinterforaminal region3-dimensional evaluationhormone-binding globulinminocyclinechronic cerebral hypoperfusionmandiblebiliary colicchinsafe zonecanadian criteriaecchymosissupinationhematomaguidelineslaryngoscopygeriatric-patientsanterior loopdose fentanyldonor sitesivc diameterasthma attackcaval indexacute cholecystitisahftriagenerveembolismultrasonographydental implantspostmenopausal womenbone graftfentanyldislocationlidocaineruleanatomyincreasesanalgesiaroc curveankle jointtumor

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فهرست مقالات

  • ۱ تا ۱۰ از کل ۱۵۷ مقاله
No. Title Authors Journal Published Cited By
1A Delphi study on the problem of suffering from the perspective of the Qur'an
+ 3 moreResearches of Quran and Hadith Sciences20250
2Investigating the foundations of Shia in finding the meaning of creativity by applying it to the verse" I do not behave for you from the dust of the air
+ 2 moreResearches of Quran and Hadith Sciences20250
3Image Schemas and Their Function from the perspective of cognitive linguistics in Surah Mubarak of Hashr
4An Analytical Examination of "The Interdisciplinary Thematic Exegesis of The Quran," Theorized by Dr. Muḥammad ʿAlī Riḍā'ī Iṣfahānī
+ 1 moreThe Quran: Contemporary Studies20240
5Identifying the motivations of ancestral tourists for traveling to the land of their ancestors (case study: Iran)
+ 3 moreJournal of Tourism Planning and Development
13 (50)
6Identifying the Motivations of Ancestral Tourists for Traveling to Their Ancestors' Land (Case Study: Iran)
+ 3 moreJournal of Tourism Planning and Development20240
7The fields of influence of Quranic stories in social transformation with the approach of social behaviorism
+ 2 moreEducational Doctrines in Quran and Hadith
10 (1)
8The Geometry of the Key Concepts of the Relationship between the Semantic Plurality of the Qur'an and Philosophical Hermeneutics with the Plurality of Readings from the …
+ 1 moreIslamic Knowledge Management20240
9مفهوم‌شناسی خشونت در کلام امام علی (ع) با تأکید بر گستره‌ی معنایی آن در نهج‌البلاغه
+ 1 moreSeraje Monir20240
10The view of opponents of mystical interpretation in the crucible of criticism
+ 2 moreThe islamic college university journal
1 (78)

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