Research Overview  

Updated: 2024-09-18
  • 14 Faculty Member Count
  • 2 Members with 0 or 1 Papers
  • 11.94 Citations per Papers for all Years
  • 1.10 Papers per Faculty Member in 2023
  • 20 H-Index
2003 2023
  • 1171 Citations
2003 2023
  • 98 Papers
2003 2023

International Papers
Self-Citation (School)
Members with 0 or 1 Citations
i10 Papers
Paper Quartiles based on IF
Paper Quartiles based on CiteScore
Paper Quartiles based on SJR
Paper Quartiles based on SNIP

Paper Research Areas:

Faculty Members

  • Showing to out of members

Publications Scopus

  • to out of Paper
No. Title Authors Journal IF SJR CiteScore Published Cited By

Papers Published in Top Journals Scopus



Marine Biology

  • Members: 5 Papers: 41 Citations: 242

Marine Sciences

  • Members: 4 Papers: 39 Citations: 784

Environmental Sciences

  • Members: 5 Papers: 25 Citations: 260